
One of the benefits of asynchronous programming is that it allows concurrency. In Python, multiple tasks can start, run and complete in overlapping time periods.

Pyot provides a production rated queue manager to achieve high magnitude of concurrency in a stable manner.


Module: pyot.core.queue

Worker queue for scheduling coroutines concurrently.

This object is only accessible as a context manager with the async with syntax for safeguarding session closing and workers joining.

class Queue


  • __init__ -> None

    • workers: int = 25

      Maximum number of workers to spawn for the queue. Increasing the number of workers may increase or decrease performance. Defaults to 25.

    • maxsize: int = None

      Max size of the queue. Defaults to workers * 2.

    • log_level: int = 0

      Log level for the que (does not affect pipeline logs). Defaults to 0 (NOLOG level).

    • exception_handler: Callable[[Exception], Any] = LOGGER.warning

      Handler for raised exceptions in workers, defaults to logging a message with level 30 (WARNING).


  • queue: asyncio.Queue

  • workers_num: int

  • maxsize: int

  • responses: Dict

  • counter: int

  • workers: List

  • exception_handler: Callable[[Exception], Any]


  • async put -> None

    • coro: Coroutine

      Coroutine to put on the queue.

    • delay: float

      Amount of delay in seconds before putting the coroutine into the queue. Defaults to 0 (No delay).

    Put a coroutine object to the queue. If the queue is full, wait for availability. A delay may be provided if desired for load balancing.

  • async join -> List[T]

    • class_of_t: Optional[Type[T]]

      Optional, Generic type for typing the return content of this method (e.g await queue.join(int) will return a list typed as List[int]).

    Block until all items in the queue have been received and executed. Clears the previously collected items if exists. NoneType and Exceptions are not collected, order of items is maintained but not guaranteed.

You can use the same queue to join() as many time as you want, it will clear previous collected responses, this creates a nice way to do everything in a single Queue. Method join() will be automatically called before exiting the async with block, it is not needed to call explicitly unless the content of it is needed.


from pyot.models import lol
from pyot.core.queue import Queue

async def get_puuid(summoner: lol.Summoner):
    summoner = await summoner.get()
    return summoner.puuid

async def pull_puuids():
    async with Queue() as queue:
        await queue.put(lol.ChallengerLeague(queue="RANKED_SOLO_5x5", platform="na1").get())
        await queue.put(lol.MasterLeague(queue="RANKED_SOLO_5x5", platform="na1").get())
        leagues = await queue.join(lol.ChallengerLeague) # Param is optional, used for typing only

        summoners = []
        for league in leagues:
            for entry in league.entries:

        for summoner in summoners:
            await queue.put(get_puuid(summoner))
        return await queue.join(str)

Try not to return anything or return small objects in coroutines passed to the queue, because Queue will save those return values for the join(), meaning that memory can start to increase over time. Design async functions to consume data instead.

Objects instantiated outside of async functions holds reference in an upper scope, these objects can become a source of memory leaks if the data it holds (or will hold after mutations executed by coroutines) is big enough. To counter this:

  • Instantiate objects inside async functions (e.g. Pass the id and region of a match and instantiate inside the function instead of passing a lol.Match object), so it can be garbage collected when it goes out of scope and nothing else holds reference to it.

  • If the objects are inside an iterable and is planned to be mutated and filled with more data (e.g. calling .get() on PyotCore objects), freeze the iterable with an utility container pyot.utils.itertools.FrozenGenerator, it creates exact copies of the objects when iterated, therefore dropping the outer scope reference, the original object will be left intact.

Assuming the need to collect 30k matches, this will lead to a high use of memory:

# ... imports

async def get_matches():
    matches = list_with_30k_matches
    async with Queue() as queue:
        for match in matches:
            await queue.put(match.get())

Instead, consume the matches directly instead of collecting them. The list is frozen to prevent memory usage since the child function calls .get() on the match.

# ... imports
from pyot.utils.itertools import frozen_generator

async def get_matches():
    matches = list_with_30k_matches
    matches = frozen_generator(matches) # Freezes the list to prevent mutation
    async with Queue() as queue:
        for match in matches:
            await queue.put(consume_match(match))

async def consume_match(match):
    match.get() # pass the session to reuse
    # ...
    # Consume your match (e.g. get specific stat, mutate a dictionary, save to db, etc.) ...
    # ...
    return None
    # OR no return (When no return is stated, returns None by default)

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